Another fabulous week for our year 1 children…
This week we have based our English learning around ‘the three little pigs’. We have acted out role play, taking on different characters of the story discussing their characteristics, phrases of speech and using adjectives to best describe them. We then created a story map to sequence and tell the story before rewriting the start of the story ourselves, with our own twist.
In maths we have been spotting links between our previous learning involving addition and subtraction and linking the two together finding the Inverse. We learnt and discussed that ‘Inverse’ means opposite and looked at fact families, finding all the addition and subtraction ways to tell a story between three numbers. E.g 10+2=12 , 2+10=12, 12-10=2, 12-2=10.
In RE we have learnt about how the Bible is a special book for Christians and that it is split into the old and New Testament. In PSHE we have looked at ways in which we can overcome obstacles, how we feel when we encounter obstacles and how we feel when we overcome them and ways in which we can. This has prompted some mature and sensible discussion amongst the year group with some lovely and friendly suggestions.
We have also explored different materials and had a think about their properties as part of our science learning this week. We have linked this to the materials the three little pigs used and enjoyed naming and spotting different materials we were familiar with, as well as learning names of new types.
This week we have recapped the sounds and keywords previously learnt, focussing on the tricker ones within our classes. We have done some super segmenting and blending of real and alien words in order to strengthen our decoding and comprehension.
Please refer to your children’s personalised sounds and keywords sticker in their orange sounds and words book which are due to come home next week. These will include personalised areas for improvement for your child that would be fantastic to have a look at over the half term if possible. Have a lovely weekend!